Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Silver Bella Pics

I know everyone has posted Silver Bella pics by now, but here are the few I took. I just can't seem to take pics at Silver Bella. Thankfully others, but then again maybe the 3rd time is a charm. So I will be back next year, like there was a ever a doubt I would return to Silver Bella for year 3. LOL.

Mary's wonderful Poster just for us Bella's.

Mary herself signing away after out Luncheon

The cutie Megan herself. I adored her little house!

Jana and 2 of my roomies

Kim, Susanne and Jessi

Downtown Omaha

I loved these displays.

Susanne and Debbie
Joanne and Heather

Monday, December 01, 2008

Here's Austin the newest member of my family

My newest Nephew and our little Election day baby

Austin Ryan

Just hours old, not even a day when these pics were taken.

The proud daddy and first time Daddy, my brother.

Daddy has red hair and baby has brown hair

And a Grandma who is delighted this little one is living with her, My brother and his family moved in the weekend before Austin's birth.